George Allen’s “Ethnic Rally”

Photo from Talking Points Memo.

“Ethnic Rally”, huh? George Allen, Republican candidate for senator in Virginia, seems to be have a hard time being inoffensive. First, there was the whole “Macaca” thing. Then, to make up for it, he has an “ethnic rally” to show that he likes and is liked by all kinds of “ethnic” folk.

Does “ethnic” mean anyone but white folks? How bout people of Greek ancestry? Arab? Jewish? Italian?

You’d think that a senator would be more used to the politically correct reality that is American politics by now, or at least have someone to talk to that might have an “ethnic” perspective.

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One Response to “George Allen’s “Ethnic Rally””

  1. Archana Says:

    Who’s the Indian couple? Frankly, they should be ashamed of themselves…

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